Glazier, Freitag have integrity, too

Published 5:00 pm Saturday, August 9, 2014

I personally know both of the candidates running against Bob Kindler for the position of sheriff. I also had the displeasure of working under the Kindler administration. I say displeasure because the ineffective manner and lack of communication that occurred while I was working there was an everyday struggle that hinders the entire Freeborn County Sheriff’s Office. During my two years working for Kindler, we never had an all-staff meeting or a great line of communication between patrol and administration.

I have had the great opportunity to work for an agency similar in size and structure as Freeborn County Sheriff’s Office. This agency has administration that is approachable and connected to patrol. The new agency has staff meetings and clear concise communication on a weekly basis. Kindler is so far removed from his patrol staff and what happens during shift work that he has no idea how to effectively patrol the county. I’ve also been able to experience sergeants that actually respond to calls and work alongside the patrol staff. Kindler has created and promoted three sergeant positions at a higher pay grade who have only worked against the patrol staff in many aspects.

The morale when I left Freeborn County was on a huge downward slope. Since then, talking to former co-workers, it has only gotten worse. Law enforcement is a tough enough job when administration gives no praise of a job well done or your patrol staff has the general feeling that your boss could care less about you. You obviously have a morale problem.

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If Kindler was effectively patrolling and improving coverage, why is it that during the winter months deputies have no access to a SUV or full-size truck to respond to calls in inclement weather? However, Kindler purchased a new full-size Ford pickup at the beginning of his term, and now has since purchased another new full-size Ford pickup. I’m glad that deputies can respond to calls when they need to or have access to a vehicle that is capable.

Kindler claims to have utilized technology in his first term. Well the in squad tablets he recently installed in the squads is comparable to technology that surrounding agencies have had for over 15 years. Also the messaging interface only allows deputies to communicate with dispatch and Albert Lea officers. All other agencies have it set up to communicate with surrounding agencies and effectively communicate emergency information from their squads. So, utilizing technology has not been done.

Kindler keeps harping on his integrity. Ask either candidate or any patrol deputy how many firsthand examples they have of lack of integrity and unfairness stemming from Kindler. There will be plenty to discuss.

The Sheriff’s Office currently has some great personnel who are fully capable of doing a better job with a new leader. Talking to current sheriff deputies, many of them would enjoy working for either deputy Dale Glazier or deputy Kurt Freitag. Please get out and vote Tuesday. Kindler hasn’t proven his title of sheriff.

 Arik Matson
