Editorial: Tribune thumbs

Published 3:00 pm Saturday, September 6, 2014

To the return of the Blue Zones.

After five years away, it is interesting to read and hear feedback from the experts brought to our fair city by the Blue Zones. Like the ideas or not, we urge people to keep an open mind to the possibilities. After all, many Blue thumb.upZones-oriented ideas have proven to benefit Albert Leans, whether it was completing the walkway around Fountain Lake, connecting neighborhood sidewalks, adding bike lanes on Front Street, having healthy options in the workplace vending machines, remembering the importance of walking and moving, eating better or simply taking up healthier behaviors such as smaller plates.

Who doesn’t mind being reminded to pursue the benefits of being healthy, which results in longevity, which means more time with loved ones? Let’s hear what the Blue Zones people have to say, and perhaps we can build an even better Albert Lea. Let’s not become one of those grimy, rusted, car-oriented, stereotypical Midwestern places born of homogenized, boring civil planning. Let’s be a walkable place where people can’t wait to get out of their automobiles and be on their feet. We’re already part of the way there with the reconstructed downtown, beautiful lakes and an open-minded community.

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To armed robbery.

This sort of violent crime rarely rears its ugly head in Albert Lea. Two men robbed the Holiday Inn Express on East Main Street late Monday night. They displayed a handgun and left with an amount of money. Fortunately, no one was hurt. The robbers wore dark clothes and had covered faces.thumb.down

Anyone reading the story about it in the Tuesday paper surely speculated that the bad guys stuck up the place because of its proximity to busy Interstate 35, rather than being people from Albert Lea. The robbers probably drove away on the freeway, and their car became as colorless and without distinctive features as all the other cars seem at night.

That said, nothing is for sure, and the case remains under investigation. It could have been just the opposite of what anyone speculates. Still, the robbery is a reminder that being a freeway community has benefits and drawbacks.

We are especially glad the clerks at the hotel are safe. The robbery also is a reminder of the dangers all clerks face. Always be kind to the people behind the register.


To the 2014 Minnesota Vikings.

Hope. There is an abundance of reasons for fans of the state’s NFL franchise to have hope. Let’s run through them:thumb.up

• Sometimes, it’s about style, not just knowledge. New coach Mike Zimmer brings a leadership approach that seems to have solid core principles while being able to recognize individual traits and talents, which in turn allows him to get the most from his players. The past three coaches either were authoritarian or player-oriented but could not strike that perfect balance of the two. Let’s not forget Zimmer brings a career of defensive strategy, and goodness knows Vikings fans love a good defense. After all, this is the fanbase that grew up loving the Purple People Eaters.

• New offensive coordinator Norv Turner brings a career of offense to the Vikings. This NFL legend won two Super Bowls as the offensive coordinator with the Dallas Cowboys and is praised for shaping then-Cowboy QB Troy Aikman. He has found success wherever he has gone in the league. Turner no doubt will provide a less-predictable offense than the 2013 version and can guide the Vikes through their quarterback quandaries.

• Going undefeated in the four preseason games shows that the Vikings team is getting back to a winning mentality. Even if the games do not count, winning still feels good for building a team attitude.

• Adrian Peterson is a star running back. He continues to be a reason for hope. But we are especially glad he has accepted Zimmer’s challenge to him to become more of a team leader, elevating the level of play of his teammates.

• Matt Cassel has been looking sharp and confident at quarterback. And if he messes up, Teddy Bridgewater looked solid for a rookie. In the preseason, it seemed the offense under both quarterbacks had a greater understanding of the importance of first downs and giving the defense more time to rest. Let’s hope there are fewer three-and-outs. That seemed to be Christian Ponder’s greatest problem the past three years. Former offensive coordinator Brent Musgrave’s predictable play calling didn’t help Ponder much, either.

• Captain Munnerlyn, Everson Griffen, Chad Greenway, Kyle Rudolph, Harrison Smith, Greg Jennings, Linval Joseph, Cordarrelle Patterson, Phil Loadholt and John Sullivan.