Published 9:00 am Sunday, September 28, 2014
VFW Auxiliary
The Ladies Auxiliary to Freemond Madson Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 447 met Sept. 8 with President Franne Camerer presiding.
The regular short form meeting was held with reports and directives read and approved.
Old business: Discussion of the Sept. 16 coffee and rolls membership brunch, the purpose to collect 2015 dues and give some door prizes.
Also discussed was the Harley Davidson motorcycle caravan which was inspiring to the auxiliary ladies present who presented the VFW “buddy poppies” to the riders in memory and honor to our veterans and service people.
The Minnesota VFW fall conference was Sept. 12 at Willmar.
Our next first district meeting will be at 9:30 a.m. Oct. 11 at Hugo Matejek Owatonna Post and Auxiliary 3723 honoring present auxiliary presidents, past district and department presidents from the district. Schools of instruction will be patriot’s pen, voice of democracy and community service. Department representative will be department conductress Patches Presfield. Laurie Dale, national certified recruiter, will give the district a class on the national recruiter program.
The door prize was won by Ruby Fredrickson. Lunch was served by post members. The next regular meeting will be at 7 p.m. Oct. 13 at the Legion Hall.
Grapevine Twist
The Grapevine Twist Square Dance Club had a dance Aug. 30 at the Senior Center at Skyline Mall Plaza. Mary Mehus was the caller. A potluck was served after the dance. Servers for the evening were Marianne DePoppe and Bonnie Williamson.
Another dance was Sept. 13 also at the Senior Center. Wayne Kubicek was the caller and called to over three squares. A potluck was served after the dance. Servers for the evening were Marianne DePoppe and Linda Koopman.
The next dance was Saturday. Mary Mehus was the caller and a potluck was served after the dance.
Mark your calendars for the Christmas party Dec. 13.
Women Veterans of Freeborn County
The regularly scheduled meeting of the Women Veterans of Freeborn County met Sept. 3 at the American Legion in Albert Lea.
Sandy Maiden presented a request from St. John’s Lutheran Community for escort service on Sundays. This would encompass serving coffee and cake to the residents. This could not be supported at this time, but maybe in the coming months.
The minutes from the last meeting were read.
There will not be a fall luncheon for the state veterans this year. However, there will be a spring luncheon.
Deanna passed around a packet of pictures and articles to try and ascertain names and dates for historical purposes.
Items for the food pantry were collected.
The treasurer’s report was read.
Discussions centered around an American marine being held in Mexico, the beheading of a second American by the ISIS factions, immigration problems and Social Security problems.
On a lighter note old television shows, actors and actresses were also discussed.
Sandy called a veterans official to try and find out the date for the October meeting in Minneapolis. It will be Nov. 1 at the Officers club at Fort Snelling. The cost will be $20 per person. Lunch selections will be beef, chicken or pasta salad. A head count will be sent in by mid-October.
A strawberry cake made by Joan Pascowski was enjoyed by all for dessert.
The next meeting will be at 11:30 a.m. Wednesday at the American Legion. All women military veterans are encouraged to join for an informal lunch, discussion and camaraderie. Call Deanna at 507-373-9792 for more information.
First Lutheran Church Women
First Lutheran Church Women met Sept. 10 for their annual Pioneer Day put on by past presidents. Prelude music was provided by John Holt. Gen Montei welcomed guests and nursing home residents.
Devotions were given by Nancy Jensen on the theme “Begin Again,” “Keep Believing in Yourself” and Psalm 18:2.
Everyone read the FLCW purpose statement and then sang Hymn No. 390 “I Love to Tell the Story.”
Montei introduced Tim Ruzek, communications representative at Hormel Institute at Austin, who presented the program “Cancer Prevention Research.” Founded in 1942 by Jay C. Hormel and given to the University of Minnesota, the Hormel Institute is one of the oldest research centers in the United States. It collaborates research with the university and Mayo Clinic. The big emphasis is on cancer prevention, which is just as important as treating cancer. An expansion project has begun and expects to be completed in 2015, doubling the size of building facilities and the number of employees.
Sandy Narverud conducted the business meeting. The secretary’s report was approved by a motion from Nancy Jensen, seconded by Ginny Olson and put on file. Virginia Hermanson gave the treasurer’s report.
Lois Jensen had received a newsletter from the ELCA which will be placed in the library.
Janice Lestrud talked about some changes in the Lutheran relief kits this year. Clothes for layettes should be sizes 6 to 24 months. When packing school kits, it would be very helpful if the packaging were removed from the items. There should be no flag symbols on notebooks. Soup labels and box tops are still being collected and can be left at the church office.
Bonnie Schneider announced the lefse bake will be Oct. 21 to 23.
The Lutheran World Relief van will be here again this fall.
Hymn No. 474 “Children of the Heavenly Father” was sung during the offering. Schneider gave the offering prayer. “Make me an Instrument of Thy Peace” should be our response to God’s generosity.
Narverud thanked ushers Bev Grotsun and Donna Ludtke; greeters Phyllis Hamborg, Vonnie Oftedahl, Ione Kelly and Bonnie Trample; wheelchair attendants Virginia Hermanson and Jan Overgaard; and hostesses chairwoman Barbara Andersen and her committee Eunice Hatleli, Judy Kropp, Brenda Larson and Helen Lovik.
Caring and Sharing co-chairs Lovik and Arlis Smith and their committee served four funerals in August.
The dedication of the south lot and complimentary lunch was Sept. 14. Friends at First met at 11:30 a.m. Sept. 16.
The benefit rib dinner for the 2015 Jessica Lokken summer music school and camp was at 4:30 and 7 p.m. Sept. 20 in Bethany Hall.
Augsburg College Centennial Singers performed at 7 p.m. Saturday in the sanctuary. Confirmation Sunday is today. The reformation luncheon is at noon Oct. 8 in Bethany Hall.
The meeting was closed by singing the Table Prayer and praying the Lord’s Prayer.