Rep. Savick was not a driving force
Published 5:00 pm Saturday, September 13, 2014
Shannon Savick tries to explain away new taxes in her last column but fails to mention two new taxes she voted for that Republicans forced Democrats to repeal. The warehouse tax was not repealed before Austin lost a battle for a large warehouse facility to Clear Lake, Iowa. The tax on farm equipment repair was very detrimental to her constituents, yet she supported it. Her big-money supporters are running ads indicating she was a driving force in the House in the last session, yet she claims she didn’t realize the farm repair tax was in the bill. Was she a driving force or just along for the ride voting the way her liberal, big-money supporters told her? We need a representative like Peggy Bennett who will be responsible to the people and not to the big-money liberals.
John Forman
Albert Lea