Published 9:00 am Sunday, October 5, 2014
United Methodist Women
The United Methodist Women met Sept. 3.
Eileen Larson of Just Three circle introduced Beverly Jackson Cotter, local storyteller, who spoke on different experiences in her life.
President Jerry Horswell opened the business meeting with prayer and all members recited the UMW purpose. Horswell thanked Martha circle for serving and Just Three circle for the program.
The minutes for July’s meeting and circle attendance reports were given by JoAnn Seuser, secretary.
The treasurer’s report was given by Ruth Vermedahl.
Adean Turner, spiritual growth chairwoman, gave a reading from a Helen Keller book.
Education chairwoman Fern Urbatsch reported on an article in New World Outlook magazine about providing disability help in churches.
Marcia Moyer of the membership committee reminded the group that members would serve coffee Sept. 14 at St. John’s. Donations for desserts and workers were needed.
Reading program chairwoman Judy Hargrave reported on additional stories from the book, “Secret Stories of Quilts and Underground Railroads.” The book is available from Hargrave and the church library. As a member of the nominating committee, Hargrave requested new volunteers.
A meeting was Sept. 23 to discuss ideas for fundraiser projects.
Rose Hood, sunshine chairwoman, sent four cards this past month and will be sending more as needed.
Anyone that was interested in attending the Southern Prairie District meeting Sept. 13 in Montevideo should’ve contacted Jerry Horswell.
The next meeting was Wednesday, with Hope circle serving at 9:30 a.m. The speaker for the 10 a.m. program was Larry Alvey, who was the speaker on the country of Cuba.