Politically correct world is losing clash of cultures
Published 9:09 am Wednesday, November 19, 2014
Guest Column by Don Sorensen
Muslim goals.
The Obama administration is doing everything possible to eliminate Christianity from the public sector, yet does nothing to slow the explosive growth of the religion of Islam in this country.
Islam is the fastest-growing religion in the world. Its greatest growth is among disadvantaged minorities, who are very susceptible to radical ideologies. Muslims control a large enough block of voters in several European countries that they soon will be able to establish their radical ideology at the ballot box.
I am not an Islamophobe, but a realist. There are over 1 billion Muslims worldwide. The vast majority are peaceful people whose religion has been hijacked by small groups of zealots. The average Muslim is afraid to speak out, fearing they will be targeted. However, radical ideology is spreading like wildfire through Muslim young people around the world.
Liberals “boast” about their support of women’s rights, but don’t address, nor appear to care about, how women are treated under Muslim Sharia law. Are they being politically correct?
The administration labeling terrorist attacks on American soil “workplace violence” is a prime example of political correctness and is an affront to those who died or were wounded in these attacks.
Radical Muslims create terror with targeted shootings, suicide bombers and gorilla warfare. They are funded by super-rich Muslims in the Middle East, funneling money from oil sales to terrorist groups. We are funding the very terrorists that have vowed to kills us.
ISIS is the most dangerous. It has a source of income (millions a day) from the oil in the territories they have conquered. They have modern weapons, courtesy of the Iraqi army, whom we trained, armed and hung out to dry. They have a very sophisticated, worldwide, computer-driven recruitment campaign. Their goal is not just to terrorize but to conquer.
ISIS is attracting young men by the thousands to their cause from all corners of the world, including the USA.
Add Iran’s support of radical ideology, efforts to produce nuclear and biological weapons and you have the potential for a conflict on a scale the world has never before witnessed. The Ebola scare has proven that the world is not prepared to deal with widespread biological warfare.
I can’t support spilling one more drop of American blood in Iraq, unless there is a clear strategy to win. This strategy must have the support of Congress, the American public, and supported by the free world with both manpower and money. Americans should expect no less from their leaders.
America needs to cut all financial aid to Muslim countries not actively eradicating radical elements within their borders. We must stop buying oil from any country that allows or supports radical Muslims.
If America opened its oil fields to drilling, we could very quickly replace the oil we currently purchase from the Middle East and ease Europe’s dependency on Middle East oil. Perhaps this can happen now the election is over. Will there be a new attitude in Washington?
We must eliminate the teaching of radical ideologies in Muslim schools in this country. The next generation of Muslim youth is being radicalized right under our noses. This action would not deny any freedoms as the teachings in these schools should be considered subversive.
Radicalized Muslims who are apprehended and convicted of crimes against America or humanity, should be treated as prisoners of war. They should not be incarcerated with the normal prison population but held in separate facilities. The danger of radicals converting our prison populations to the radical version of the Islamic religion is too great.
This will be a long war. The enemy is very patient. They think in terms of generations and have very large families. In time, like in Europe, they may outnumber us.
America is still a free country. In our zeal to curb radical Muslims we must be very careful not to tread on the very freedoms this country was founded on.
Obama may deny that we are at war, but if we have any hopes of retaining our freedoms, we must demand that decisive action be taken.
While our leaders sit and dither, acting politically correct, trying to offend no one, we are witnessing a clash of cultures on the world stage, and the free world is losing.
Albert Lea resident Don Sorensen is a student of history and an avid reader of current events. He is a constitutional libertarian.