$500 in damage is not harmless fun
Published 9:19 am Monday, March 30, 2015
A big thank you to the idiots who thought it was fun to go shooting off bottle rockets the evening of March 26 without thought for other people, because I now have an over $500 repair bill for my car thanks to damage caused by one of these “harmless” little fireworks. These things are not harmless and I have the damage and bill to prove it. I have never liked fireworks because of the actions taken by some who think it’s cute to toss them at people to see them jump. You thoughtless people think you know what you’re doing, but you don’t and I have the over $500 bill to prove it. If you’re the clowns who thought it was harmless fun shooting these off the evening of March 26 on the north side of town, why don’t you admit what you did to the police, and then you can pay for the damage and see how harmless it was. I can only hope that someday someone will show the same disrespect to you and your property that you’ve shown to me and my property and possibly to others. This is not harmless fun, because an over $500 bill to fix the damage caused by your carelessness is not harmless. It’s time to grow up.
Kathy Diaz
Albert Lea