Emphasize the positive in the community

Published 9:47 am Tuesday, March 10, 2015

I’ve always considered myself to be a pretty positive person.

Whether it’s the stress of a job, family or some other challenge in life, I have always believed that how you react to life’s challenges determines where you end up in life. A positive attitude goes a long way.

Over the years of my life I have met some pretty amazing people who have been given — in my opinion — some very difficult trials in life. But instead of wallowing in their challenge or deciding to give up, these people are taking their trials in stride and in most cases overcoming them.

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When they see something positive going on in the community, they jump on board with it. When they see someone doing something well, they compliment that person. They are motivated by others successes.

That doesn’t mean that life is perfect and challenges disappear, but these people have recognized the value of thinking optimistically and surrounding themselves with others who think the same.

That is inspirational.

You’d be surprised how motivating it is to be around positive people.

In the Albert Lea area I think we have many opportunities for success. I have seen firsthand what great people live here, and I have seen what this community can do when it rallies together.

If you’re not taking part in something positive in the community right now, I would ask that you please reconsider. Put yourself out there.

We all have talents and strengths that can help in many different ways.

All this talk about positivity brings me to this newspaper.

Though myself and this staff will have to cover negative news such as car crashes,  scandal, arrests and fires, we love to write about the positive as well.

Whether it’s something fun such as a goal achieved at an elementary school or a family member who has overcome a multi-year struggle with cancer, we would love to know about it.

Here at the Tribune, we would like to reach out to the community and encourage you to submit your stories to us ­— whether bad  or good. You are our ears out in the community. If there is someone you know who has motivated you to be a better person, let us know.

If you know of something amazing going on and would like to recognize the people behind the effort, let us know.

I, along with Special Projects Editor Hannah Dillon, recently visited with the administration at Albert Lea Area Schools. We are reaching out to them to have them share more information about what’s going on in the schools, and we hope to reach out to other organizations and civic groups to encourage them to do the same.

I believe there’s a lot more good going on in many areas of Albert Lea than many people even know. Let’s help others be lifted by that good.

Remember we are all striving for the same thing.

I leave you this week with this quote:

“If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change your attitude.” — Maya Angelou


Sarah Stultz is the managing editor of the Tribune. Her column appears each Tuesday.