Do you trust your local leaders?

Published 9:13 am Thursday, April 2, 2015

Trust, I believe, is a cornerstone of every successful and productive relationship, whether it is personal, business or political in nature. Trust is earned through selfless acts that promote the relationship and benefit the majority of those involved. Once trust has been established it will garner mutual respect and everyone will know that there will be open and honest communication in future dealings, leading to a more productive relationship with fair and agreeable outcomes even if opinions differ.

Lack of trust on the other hand will destroy a marriage, a friendship, a business or your faith in any level of government. It might be a slow, destructive process because one side or the other has a continued hope that those who are not trustworthy will see the light and the error of their ways and that the outcome can be changed. Most of the time it is folly to have those expectations, but those of us that want to think there is good in everyone, still have faith in it happening. Without trust or the possibility of restoring it through open and honest communication the only solution usually is divorce, finding new friends, different business partners, or in the case of government, electing new people to represent and lead us.

Today at the state and especially at the federal level of government some of those people elected to lead us have lost touch with reality and either can’t or refuse to see the destructive consequences of their actions. At the local level of government we still have a chance.

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Let me ask you, “Do you trust your local leaders to be good stewards of your tax dollars? Do you trust them to provide you, either through the news media or some form of public information system, all of the correct information pertaining to how they plan to spend your tax dollars? Do you trust that they always have your best interests at heart when they make a decision affecting your community? Do you trust them to honor and respect your wishes as the taxpaying public?”

If you trust anyone to do the above mentioned items, show your support for them any way you can. That person, whoever they might be, needs your help to make your wishes known. It is your tax dollars and your community at stake. Better yet, tell the people you do not trust why you trust a certain individual or group of people and that you expect the same level of leadership from them. It’s like telling someone they are doing a good job, and I’m sure anyone who has received  that compliment appreciates it, but it benefits that person and the organization even more if you tell others why you believe this individual is doing a good job and how what they are doing benefits so many others.

Solutions come from conversations and conversations are had every day over coffee, a meal or just in passing. What do you think, it’s your community?


Gary Hagen

Albert Lea