St. Casimir’s students visit Pet Expo
Published 9:59 am Wednesday, May 6, 2015

In order to learn more about the many different types of animals, birds and fish in the world, the kindergarten through third-grade students of St. Casimir’s School in Wells recently traveled to Pet Expo in Mankato. At the pet store, the students were greeted by a representative who introduced them to all the furry, scaly, flying and swimming pets. Touring the Aquatic Cove, the students became underwater dwellers as they gazed upon over 100 varieties of saltwater and freshwater fish, live rocks, coral and invertebrates. Rising to the skies, the representative shared with the students the many cockatiels, parakeets, finches and canaries that happily chirped, squeaked and whistled on command to the delight of the kids. Back on land, the children spent many happy minutes stroking the soft ears of bunnies and feeling the hard shell of a turtle that may live to be 150 years old. A few of the braver souls in the group enjoyed feeling the sleek, writhing skin of the snakes. – Provided