What is causing a shift in morals?

Published 9:44 am Friday, August 7, 2015

What is causing a shift in morals?

G.K. Chesterton once remarked, “If there is one thing worse than the modern weakening of major morals, it is the modern strengthening of minor morals.” This explains why abortion is legal, but smoking a cigar in a public park is illegal. This explains why the modern world is more upset about Cecil the lion being killed than the slaughter of millions of babies. It explains why their veins pop from their necks that a game hunter would stalk a wild animal in order to stuff it as a trophy, but ignore the systematic dismemberment of live babies extracted from their mother’s wombs so as to save the best parts for resale. Though I strongly believe that luring an exotic animal out of a protected area violates good hunting ethics, why is the outrage over the act so out of proportion with that over Planned Parenthood’s selling of baby parts?

This all started happening when we stopped worshipping God and started worshipping Mother Nature. At the same time that hunting was becoming unpopular and then unacceptable, abortion went from being a crime to being a right.  Chesterton says, “Wherever you have animal worship, you will have human sacrifice.” That is why there are more pet stores than baby stores in our strip malls and why there is now a price on a lion-hunter’s head while Planned Parenthood rakes in millions of dollars as the largest abortion provider in the nation.

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The fallacy of nature worship is revealed in its own inconsistencies as a philosophy.  What, after all, could be more unnatural than abortion? Or, as Chesterton says, “If nature herself is so kind a mother, why should anybody be so pessimistic as to shrink from motherhood?”

Scott Bute
