God always knows the good, bad

Published 9:35 am Friday, September 18, 2015

Across the Pastor’s Desk by Loren Molskness

Today we recognize our prisoners of war and soldiers missing in action who have served our country with such distinction. It is hard for me to perceive the emotion that must have coursed through them as they suddenly realized their dire situations. Whether a vulnerable prisoner in the hand of the enemy, or totally alone disappearing out of any communication with their country and comrades, it had to be a reality check.

Loren Molskness

Loren Molskness

It reminds me of a similar circumstance in the book of Genesis under a totally diverse background. Hagar had been a pawn badly used in a rich man’s marriage. A pregnant Hagar finds herself ejected from the community by the jealous wife. Totally alone out in a desert area under a scorching sun with no water or sustenance, she finds that God has not abandoned her. In that desperate situation she was able to say these inspiring words: “You are the God who sees me,” Genesis 16:13.

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It is important for all of us to recognize that in our desperate times there really is a God who sees and knows! Nothing good or bad happens without his knowledge. He is not surprised by our circumstances. Even as with Hagar, he has gone before us and will meet us in that impossible predicament often times brought on by our own foolishness or by circumstances beyond our control.

For those who will call upon him, he promises, “I will never leave you or forsake you,” Hebrews 13:5.

I am grateful for a God that sees and cares.


Loren Molskness is a retired Assemblies of God pastor.