Grants available for community projects
Published 10:06 am Monday, October 5, 2015
Minnesota communities, schools and their partners are invited to apply for funding for local projects that enhance transportation goals, according to the Minnesota Department of Transportation.
A total of $9.7 million is available through two competitive grant programs: the Transportation Alternatives Program and the Safe Routes to School program.
The TAP funding is for Greater Minnesota communities, schools and regional agencies to fund pedestrian and bicycle facilities, historic preservation, Scenic Byways and Safe Routes to School programs. The SRTS funding is available statewide for pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure and non-infrastructure projects.
Alternatives Program — $7.5 million
To apply for TAP, applicants must submit a letter of intent describing the key components of their project by Oct. 30. A regional representative will contact applicants to help review the project proposal, determine eligibility and outline the steps necessary for delivering a federally funded project. The full application is due Jan. 8, 2016.
For grant details see the Transportation Alternatives Program website at
Safe Routes to Schools — $2.2 million
In addition to the TAP funding, approximately $2.2 million is also available for Safe Routes to School planning and infrastructure projects through separate statewide Safe Routes to School solicitations.
SRTS planning grants are available for schools and their partners to develop a SRTS plan, which will analyze existing conditions, gather public input and identify potential infrastructure and non-infrastructure solutions. Applicants must submit an application to MnDOT by Jan. 8, 2016.
Infrastructure grants are available for schools, in partnership with cities or counties, to receive funding support for infrastructure identified through planning efforts that improve safety and access for children walking and bicycling to school. Applicants should submit a letter of intent to MnDOT by Oct. 30.
For grant details see the Safe Routes to School website at