Author to host presentation
Published 9:48 am Friday, November 20, 2015
Milt Ost will offer a presentation on his recently published books. The presentations will be at 2 p.m. and again at 7 p.m. Dec. 3 at the Freeborn County Historical Museum in Albert Lea.
The Tumbleweeds Burning series are historical novels following five generations of a family’s epic journey from Germany to Russia and on to America.
The story explores the great transformation of the western plains of America from buffalo grass to wheat fields, from screaming eagles to roaring gasoline engines, from thundering herds of buffalo to herds of white-faced Herefords. Families endure bitter deprivation, witness murder and witchcraft and find themselves at the mercy of nature that is by turns amazingly kind and unmercifully cruel. Through it all, their enduring faith and strong family values forge a community that joins in making America a beacon to the nations.
The presentations are free and open to the public.