Stop all Muslim immigration
Published 9:37 am Wednesday, December 30, 2015
Our president, Barack Hussein Obama, has no intention of keeping his oath of office by defending and guarding America to keep us safe. In fact, last month he actually proclaimed that he is not interested in American leadership or America winning.
If Obama has no interest in leading America, then why is he still in office? Maybe Obama doesn’t want America to be at war with Islam, but Islam certainly is at war with America.
Under Obama’s leadership, America is now the world’s largest financier of terrorism. The media failed to cover that. According to Lt. Col. Tony Shaffer, who was part of the Iran negotiations, the United States paid $5 billion to Qatar and traded five top Taliban detainees for Bergdahl. What? And now Obama is implementing the Jijra, the intentional seeding of Muslims into communities in the U.S., to change the culture, which will overthrow the U.S. Constitution. Just look at Minneapolis, St. Paul or St. Cloud where they operate utilizing Sharia law. See www.refugeeresettlementwatch.
I say no more Muslim immigration of any kind — refugees, asyleees, regular immigrants via family chain immigration or visas of any type including student visas, business visas, tourist visas, etc. into the U.S. — period.
Paul Westrum
Albert Lea