Editorial: Ask service clubs for help in fixing Christmas lights
Published 9:00 am Friday, January 1, 2016
Over the last few weeks, the Tribune has printed a handful of letters to the editor from people in the community that questioned Albert Lea’s Christmas decorations.
Some thought there needed to be more decorations in town, and others questioned why there were several light bulbs out in some of the decorations the city does have.
We encourage city leaders to get an early start on planning ahead for the holidays in 2016 and to work with local service clubs to do so.
The Rotary Club in the past was involved with the decorations, and we suspect other clubs would also be willing to get involved. Volunteers could see which bulbs need to be replaced and then either donate or fundraise to replace the bulbs that are burnt out.
Let’s all come together to make these decorations something we are proud of.