America needs leader with big ideas, confidence
Published 9:24 am Monday, February 29, 2016
As I watch the 2016 GOP primary, I have slowly become convinced that Donald Trump is the only viable candidate, with the credentials to be the type of president this country needs.
Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz are both far too inexperienced. They are only freshmen senators. That’s exactly what Obama was! Marco simply is not emotionally ready to be resident. Cruz is an ideologue. Obama is an uncompromising liberal ideologue. Cruz is a conservative ideologue. If a proposal did not meet his test of conservative, he would block it. There would be no compromise. The result, another four or eight years with a dead-locked government.
The country needs a strong leader that will not be owned by the Washington establishment. If we were to look closely we would find that every last politician in Washington is owned at some level by the establishment.
In my lifetime no businessman has ever been elected to the office of president. In fact there have been very few true businessmen in any past administration. What we get is ivy tower policy wonks, who have never met a payroll in their life. It’s time for a common sense businessman.
Would it not be better to have a man who’s life has been dedicated to building a successful business? Who has negotiated more successful big deals that all of the other candidates combined than someone whose only goal in life is to be a politician?
I for one, am very tired of watching politicians of both parties talk about supporting business and then enacting taxes, rules and regulations that has sent millions of American jobs overseas. America cannot afford to continue down the present road.
I am not anti-Wall Street, but it sure looks to me like Wall Street owns Washington politicians. Every candidate is getting millions of dollars in funding from the power brokers. No politician will ever bite the hand that got him elected. Never happened and never will.
The big money men will do everything possible to destroy Trump because he is a threat to their behind-the-scenes power.
I firmly believe it is time for someone like Trump. Yes, he’s arrogant, cocky, pushy, uncouth and a few more things. But, all his negatives pale when compared to his positives. The bombastic Trump we see on the campaign trail is not the man we would see when Trump becomes the negotiator.
America needs a leader who has big ideas, the confidence and skills to make those ideas reality. One that is not beholding to Washington big money.
Don Sorensen
Albert Lea