Low frequency noise is damaging
Published 9:09 am Wednesday, March 16, 2016
Please read this recently published paper on the dangers of low frequency noise: www.windaction.org/posts/43264-infrasound-low-frequency-noise-and-industrial-wind-turbines#.VuGO6Z9MHqA.
Someone has to stand up for what is right. Industrial wind companies will not act because it is contrary to their financial interests, much like big oil would never invest in electric vehicles. Wind companies have actually rejected the facts and successfully schmoozed their way past government regulations.
Wind companies will continue to disregard medically substantiated complaints and feign ignorance of the existence of low frequency noise and the resulting health consequences, even though their own original research proved it was a serious problem.
The county will have to make a tough decision regarding its future. Does Freeborn County want to continue to become a barren, unpopulated industrial complex, littered with abandoned and unmarketable homes, or does it want to work to salvage its roots as a rural farming community?
The low frequency noise is real. The negative impacts of low frequency noise are real.
Please hold wind companies accountable for the damage they have caused and are continuing to cause. Ideally this would include buying out properties of affected residents and/or permanently decommissioning all turbines within at least one mile of populated homes outside the wind complex boundaries.
Please consider requiring that all turbines be immobilized from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. to allow all county residents uninterrupted sleep.
Please consider requiring that turbines within one mile of all residential properties be shut down when wind speeds exceed 20 miles per hour.
Please place a moratorium on the construction of new industrial wind complexes in the county until proper detailed analysis of the low frequency noise and its effects can be obtained and reviewed.
Please review this timeline link for a greater understanding of the willful nature of wind companies’ victimization of people living near turbines: en.friends-against-wind.org/health/three-decades-of-wind-industry-deception.
Gwyn Regehr