Millions united can overcome

Published 9:37 am Wednesday, March 9, 2016

There’s an elephant in the room, and he’s got an 800-pound pet gorilla. They move about freely and consume everything in sight. What do we do? Some might say there’s little we can do, but stay out of their way — ignore the threat, adapt and focus on scavenging what we can of their leftovers. Or, perhaps we engage them — bait and barter for our portion.

Others might say resist. All agree the elephant is the biggest threat. But, to deal with the elephant we have to overcome the gorilla first. We have no champion strong enough to take on the gorilla, and any negotiation to share resources will be on his terms. Even so, a pragmatic experienced negotiator who knows how to get things done (one that could schmooze King Kong) may achieve results. Some practical reform; some realistic gains could be made. We could make some relative progress — perhaps sooner than later.

Or, we refuse to accept the status quo and the terms of engagement. These beasts are out of place and an essential threat to the welfare of the populace. Their established dominance is unacceptable. So, again, what do we do? The elephant survives by way of our productivity and provision. There is but one way to control the elephant and recover our resources, and that’s to confront his bodyguard and enforcer — the gorilla.

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Clearly, the status quo of growing income equality and the further concentration of wealth by the 1 percent along with a current political establishment dealing with issues — on the gorilla’s terms (big donor campaign finance, PACs) — undermines our democracy and our freedom. However, millions of people coming together, determined and committed, with courage and ferocity, organized and focused, united in confronting the problem (a political revolution), can succeed in subduing the brute with overwhelming numbers and subsequently, engage the elephant (economic establishment) on our own terms.

Mike Kelly 

Albert Lea