Editorial: Tribune Thumbs

Published 9:00 am Sunday, August 7, 2016

To the Six Best Days of Summer.thumb.up

The Freeborn County Fair is deemed the “Six Best Days of Summer.” Whether you go to the fair to try new food, check out a ride, attend a concert or showcase a talent, there’s plenty to do. Thanks to everyone who helped, from the vendors and organizers, to the people who help park cars. County residents, and residents from the surrounding area, thank you.


To Terry Perkins, the 2016 Outstanding Senior Citizen of Freeborn County. thumb.up

Albert Lea resident Terry Perkins was honored for his service to the community during a ceremony Wednesday at the Freeborn County Fair. Perkins has volunteered in numerous capacities, including help park cars at Eddie Cochran Weekend, driving senior citizens to appointments and taking part in historic preservation efforts through the Freeborn County Historical Society, to name a few.

Congratulations on the recognition. We are thankful for the dedication of Perkins and others to the community.


To the Freeborn County Agriculture Hall of Fame inductees. thumb.up

Fleet Farm Supply, Don and Marion Drescher, and Robert and Delores Bryson on Wednesday were inducted into the Freeborn County Agriculture Hall of Fame.

Fleet Farm Supply this year is celebrating its 60th anniversary. The Dreschers were inducted for their involvement in breeder groups, as well other efforts. The Brysons have been promoters of the swine inudstry.

Congratultions for all you have done and for the recognition.


To news of another drive-by shooting in the Minneapolis area. thumb.down

We were saddened to hear the news Wednesday morning that a young man on a bicycle was killed in an apparent drive-by shooting in north Minneapolis.

The victim died after being transported by ambulance to North Memorial Medical Center in Robbinsdale.

Information has not been released about what prompted the gunfire, but in the meantime police have been interviewing people in connection to the case. We hope there can be some kind of resolution on the matter and that the person responsible can be held accountable.