Council connects to community

Published 9:28 am Thursday, September 8, 2016

The Southeast Minnesota Patient Family Advisory Council of Mayo Clinic Health System meets quarterly. Mayo staff present information to the members, and members share information they hear in the community. The following communities are represented: Albert Lea, Austin, Cannon Falls, Faribault, Lake City, Owatonna, Red Wing and Rochester.

My name is Terry Gjersvik and I have been a member of this council for about seven years. The hospital and clinic in Albert Lea have been the primary health provider for my family since 1989. I responded to an article from Mayo Clinic Health System in the Albert Lea Tribune asking for citizens to apply for membership in the council. I responded because I felt that quality health care is a fundamental and important part of our community. I am grateful that Mayo has provided this tool to connect to our community. Mayo Clinic Health System is committed to continuous improvement in the health services provided in our community and is interested in feedback from patients.

Health care experiences are very private in nature and Mayo Clinic Health System has a confidential system in place for patients to provide feed back on experiences. However, if you have information or comments that are more general in nature, please contact me at 507-402-2797 or, and I will be happy to pass on your information at the next Southeast Minnesota Patient Family Advisory Council of the Mayo Clinic Health System meeting.

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Terry Gjersvik
