Published 10:00 am Sunday, September 25, 2016
Women Veterans of Freeborn County
The regularly scheduled meeting of the Women Veterans of Freeborn County was Sept. 7 at American Legion Post 56 in Albert Lea.
Women veterans present included Judi Olson, Julie Hamson, Deanna Luedtke, Ruth Perry, Joan Paczkowski and Pat Johannsen.
Perry and Luedtke went to New Richland to the nursing home to visit with Audreen Smith, one of the original founders of the organization. Unfortunately, Smith’s memory “wasn’t what it used to be” and she couldn’t relate very much about the beginning days of the Women Veterans of Freeborn County. A small tub of articles and pictures was donated by another member which should be beneficial to the group.
The treasury report was given, and it was noted that there were no outstanding bills. Luedtke handed out the minutes from August and an updated membership list.
Johannsen brought in an article about a Minnesota State University study on the influence of community organizations — particularly American Legion posts — around the state. Two ladies travel around observing what goes on and how people interact at Legion halls. They are professors in the sociology department at Mankato and will share their results when the study is finished.
During their study, they set up in a Legion hall after acquiring permission. If Legionnaires want to talk to them they must sign a consent form first. They will visit the various halls at different times of the day and different days of the week. As time goes by they will be looking for patterns. They hope to find out why people join the Legion and why they don’t. They plan for the study to go on for about one year and hope to have enough data to start drawing conclusions.
Discussion followed about the annual fall luncheon on Oct. 8 in Crystal. Five women signed up to attend. Olson will arrange transportation through the veteran’s office.
Olson volunteered to take food donations to the food shelf.
The Women Veterans of Freeborn County meet at 11:30 a.m. on the first Wednesday of every month at American Legion Post 56 in Albert Lea. The group encourages all women military veterans to join them for an informal lunch, discussion and camaraderie. The next meeting will be at 11:30 a.m. Wednesday. For more information, call Luedtke at 414-530-3982.
Ascension Lutheran Church Women of the ELCA
The Ascension Lutheran Church Women of the Evangelical Lutheran Church Association had its annual meeting with all circles at 6 p.m. Sept. 13 in Carlson Hall.
The Rev. Mark Boorsma led the Bible study from the September Gather on Jonah.
Co-President Lola Evans opened the business meeting. The secretary’s report was given by Lorraine Schaper. The treasurer’s report was given by Cheryl Venem.
Evans called for committee reports.
Jane Pearson reported for the quilting group stressing that much help was needed at 1 p.m. that Thursday.
Joan Anderson, mission in growth, announced that two more teachers were needed for its JAM event for the month of December. Samaritan purse will work with the youth program.
Prayer coordinator Elaine Struck stated that the prayer group is getting smaller. Any volunteers wishing to be added on the prayer group list are asked to contact her.
The nominating committee of Jan Jerdee presented the following slate for Ascension Women of the ELCA officers for 2017: Susie O’Sell and Denise Sandagar, co-presidents; LeAnn Knutson, secretary; Cheryl Venem, treasurer; Joan Anderson, mission in growth; Ruth Furland and Alice Jensen, co-mission in action; Lynn Hestness, mission in community; and Elaine Struck, prayer coordinator.
A motion was made and approved to accept the slate of officers for 2017.
A thank you was extended to Mary Circle for serving the refreshments for the meeting.
Good Earth Village’s Good Gifts Gala will be Oct. 20 at Rochester Golf and Country Club.
The group will make lefse in October.
The Ascension Time and Talent Bazaar will be Nov. 5.
The next meeting of the Ascension Lutheran Church Women of the ELCA will be Oct. 9 following church services.
First Lutheran Church Women
First Lutheran Church Women met at 1:15 p.m. Sept. 14 in Bethany Hall for its annual Pioneer Day program, which was arranged by the past presidents group. Joan Holt played prelude music.
After Sandy Narverud gave the welcome, Bonnie Schneider led devotions about loving kindnesss based on I John 4: 7-8.
Neva Mathison introduced speaker Al Batt — a popular and well-known writer, historian, speaker and humorist from Hartland. According to a press release, he reminisced with heartwarming and amusing stories and memories from the past.
Janice Lestrud conducted the business meeting. The secretary’s report was approved as printed with a motion by Ione Kelly, which was seconded by Cindy Martin. Treasurer Virginia Hermanson gave the treasurer’s report, which will be placed on file for audit.
Correspondence Secretary Bonnie Trampel received a request for money for camp ministries from Good Earth Village and a thank you from Mount Carmel Ministries for the group’s financial commitment to its camp ministry during the first half of 2016. The group also received invitations to the Women of the Evangelical Lutheran Church Association 10th triennial gathering from July 13 to July 16 in Minneapolis; from the Bethel Evangelical Free Church of Fairmont to join them for a live simulcast with Beth Moore, a speaker, author and teacher; and the Plymouth Playhouse which will host a Christmas play “Away in the Basement” from Nov. 16 to Dec. 31.
Bonnie Schneider announced that the lefse bake dates will be Oct. 25 to Oct. 27. Members are asked to contact Schneider or Audrey Christenson if they can help.
Duplicate Bridge
Duplicate Bridge was played at noon Sept. 14 at Senior Center in Austin at four tables. Winners were John Liesen and Rick Stroup, first place; Dave Ring and Orrin Roisen and Vandy Newman and Ron Peters; tie for second and third; and Joyce Crowe and Millie Siever, fourth place.
Duplicate bridge is also played at 12:30 p.m. Tuesday. Winners were Judy Bungum and Dave Solomonson, first place; Gail and Ray Schmidt, second place; John Liesen and Rick Stroup, third place; Vandy Newman and Bud Higgins, fourth place; Lorraine Quinnleven and Barb Rofshus, fifth place; and Joyce Crowe and Millie Siever, sixth place.