The Nice Advice: Excessive homework causing stress for all

Published 9:00 am Sunday, October 30, 2016

The Nice Advice by Leah Albert

Dear Leah,

My 12-year-old son’s teacher is known to the whole school as the one who gives out more homework than anyone else. He spends at least three hours every night on homework (and he is really working all that time), and this is really stressing him out! How do I help my son and also talk to the teacher about this excessive homework load? He’s a great student. I’d hate to see him get discouraged.

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Signed, Stressed Mom

Dear Stressed Mom,

It sounds like you have already observed that your son is very conscientious about how he does his homework. You might want to check with other parents to see how their kids are coping with their homework.

If it seems that all or most of the kids are in the same situation, consider asking for a group meeting with the teacher. Before you go, look at some of the latest research on homework and find out what guidelines other teachers and school systems are following with regard to daily homework.

When you meet with the teacher, be sure to listen to their perspective in a respectful way — the teacher is probably doing what they think is best for the students. Suggest some kind of compromise as an experiment — maybe one or two hours of homework a night — and see the effect on student performance.

It’s also been proven activities at home such as cooking and eating dinner together, imaginative play outside with friends and just plain down time contribute to student wellness and performance in the classroom. Give it a shot. You are your child’s best advocate. Take care!


Leah Albert is a fictitious character. She likes wine and writing. Don’t ask her to be a matchmaker. Do send your questions to Leah at