
Published 9:00 am Sunday, November 20, 2016

Trinity Lutheran Church Women

The Trinity Lutheran Church Women thankoffering took place at noon Nov. 8.

Dori Schou played the piano as people arrived.

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Co-president Coreen Johnson welcomed everyone. She gave a special thank you to Schou, Greg Andersen and the Rev. Eileen Woyen.

Johnson introduced the Rev. Marcia Hall, who gave devotions. She focused on the Bible verse, “Bless the Lord O my soul,” from Psalm 103.1,2. The importance of thanksgiving was emphasized. She led the group in a prayer of Thanksgiving.

Greg Andersen served a delicious turkey dinner. The litany for gathering was led by Jo Meyer. This was followed by singing the gathering song, “Praise and Thanksgiving.” Schou accompanied the group on the piano.

The WELCA thankoffering was read by Meyer. The hymn, “Now Thank we All Our God,” was sung, accompanied by Schou. Offerings were collected and Meyer read the offering prayer.

Woyen led the Bible study on “Paul and the Power of Failure.”

“We want to be in control of our lives, but who is in charge? God is. Acts 7:58-8:3 Question: Why might God have chosen Saul? Acts 22:6-21 God sends Paul to the Gentiles. Paul is struggling to be part of the church. God is in control of his life. What makes us weak, makes God strong. Questions: Why does Paul loose his sight? Who’s in control? What is the value of learning from someone who failed! 1 Corinthians 1:25, 2:1-5 Weaknesses are gifts from God. Weaknesses help us get stronger. Question: What weakness of yours, or of your congregation, might help to better reveal God’s strength and power? 1 Corinthians 12: 12-26 We want to take care of the most fragile parts of our community. We’re all equal, all members of the body of Christ. Questions: What happens in a congregation when the unity of the body breaks down? How does Paul recommend that unity be found and maintained? 2 Corinthians 4: 5-7 God is in charge. We see in the darkness with the light. Jesus is our light. The light can be found in us. Question: How does light shine in your darkness?”

Co-President Marlene Wright announced officers for 2017, which were respectfully submitted by the nominating committee of Bev Jackson-Cotter and Barb Larson:

Co-Presidents LeAnn Juveland and Linda Olson

Vice President Karen Nelson

Secretary Mary Roozenboom

Treasurer Nanciana Jensen

Mission Community Secretary Donna Oliva

Mission Growth Secretary Janet Drews

Mission Action Secretary Jo Meyer

Erna Berthelsen moved to accept the slate of officers. Judy Graham seconded the motion. The motion passed.

Pat Goldman spoke on the 2017 gathering in Minneapolis on July 13-16, 2017. There will be information on Sunday during coffee hour.

The Albert Lea High School chorale will sing at 2:30 p.m. Dec. 7 at Trinity Lutheran Church. There is no charge to attend.

There will be a business meeting at 1:30 p.m. Men are invited. All are welcome. Roozenboom will put it in the paper and Olson will put it on Facebook.

Jensen presented the proposed budget for 2017. She noted that the dollar amounts of the proposed 2017 budget were the same as the 2016 budget. There were no changes. The budget so far in 2016 was presented and discussed.

Installation of officers for 2017 was led by Woyen.

The benediction was given by Woyen and the Lord’s Prayer was prayed by all.

Circles met in their individual circles to organize for 2017.