Trump at least is pro-life

Published 9:50 am Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Who are you going to vote for? This is a tough decision for many people. I’m not pleased with the two choices I have.  I would have preferred someone else, but that’s just not the way it is.

Some other people I’ve talked to said they simply will not vote this year — they will boycott the process as a protest. Boycotting the voting booth may be an act of protest on your part, but it really works against you because what you are really doing is letting other people decide for you.

Consider this, when you wake up the morning after, one of the two major party candidates will have been elected to the highest position on earth, imposing taxes that you must pay, selecting judges to judge you and signing into law rules that you must obey, like it or not.

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Here’s your choice: an immoral Republican candidate or an amoral Democratic candidate.  But the bottom line is this, any candidate that will agree to the butcher of unborn babies to get elected, is not the type of person I want ruling over me. I will vote for the one that is a pro-life candidate (the Republican candidate), because I don’t want to have to answer to God as to why I voted for the most pro-abortion, pro-death, amoral person to ever run for president (the Democratic candidate). God detests abortion, the death of the innocent, and to vote for that person would make you implicit in her crimes against the innocent.

It’s not that I’m a great fan of the Republican candidate, but he is pro-life, and not pro-death — and if for no reason he is my choice — and should be yours.

Don Werner

Tyrone, Georgia