Trump has not served anyone
Published 9:00 am Sunday, November 6, 2016
No matter where a person’s views are on the political spectrum — conservative, moderate, liberal or anywhere else — I do not understand how anyone can support Donald Trump. He has never served his country. He has never served God. He has never served anyone or anything except Donald Trump.
He has repeatedly shown his ignorance of foreign policy and national security issues. He has insulted our military. He has denied climate change and what passes for his energy policy would be detrimental to the environment. He may have business acumen, but his business bankruptcies and admitted failure to pay income tax show where his priorities are. He insults minorities and women and has even mocked the disabled.
He dominated the Republican primaries by acting like the fifth-grade bully on the playground. He praised an autocrat as a great leader and someone he admires. He presents little in the way of actual policies, but simply says how amazing things will be if he becomes president. And with no evidence except the chance he may lose, he questions the legitimacy of the entire electoral process.
Hillary Clinton certainly has her warts and there are issues such as the basic definition of marriage and the ease of abortion, on which I strongly disagree with her. However, at least she knows from her extensive experience in both the legislative and executive branches how government actually works. She can talk like an adult even without the aid of a teleprompter. She is by far better prepared than her major opponent to assume the presidency and, unlike him, has the temperament to do so.
Donald Trump for president? Abraham Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt and Ronald Reagan must be turning over in their graves.
Michael Miller
Albert Lea