Comments were like slap in face

Published 9:00 am Sunday, December 18, 2016

As a taxpaying and longtime citizen of Freeborn Country I was absolutely astonished at the article published on Wednesday in regard to the county commissioners giving pay increases to county employees. The fact alone that they got raises at all should make them quite happy. But to go on to say that even though she got an 11 percent raise, the largest amongst all city employees, she is still being paid on the low end of the scale.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying that these people don’t deserve raises or work hard, but what I am saying is that there are so many people out there who work hard and live paycheck to paycheck and still can’t make ends meet or have to work multiple jobs to pay the bills. Many people don’t work for more than minimum wage and that isn’t even very much by today’s standards. People on Social Security didn’t even get a cost of living increase this year. Employers struggle every year to try to pay their employees fairly, but can’t because the cost is just too high.

I am just appalled that auditor-treasurer for Freeborn County was actually quoted as saying she doesn’t feel she is paid enough. She is an elected official who works for the county and who works for the people of Freeborn County. To sit and complain about your pay in such a public forum is rude and disrespectful to the hardworking people in our community. Public service is just as it says, it’s a service to the public and the fact that she makes as much as she does, which is far more than most do in this county, doesn’t leave much room to complain. There is a time and a place to discuss these types of things, but to air them publicly in front of the people who elect you to the office you hold and who’s taxes help pay your salary, that is just like slapping them in the face. Be thankful you have a job and get paid a pretty nice salary. Many people here work just as hard as she does, but do not get compensated in the same way.

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Shame on you madam!

Scott Bohonek

Albert Lea