Editorial: Tribune Thumbs

Published 9:00 am Sunday, January 22, 2017

To the return of a court-ordered education program for domestic violence perpetrators in Freeborn County.thumb.up

We were pleased to hear that a court-ordered education program for domestic violence perpetrators will return next week in Freeborn County.

Domestic violence is the No. 1 violent crime in Freeborn County.

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Perpetrators will meet weekly for 28 weeks and learn about better ways to respond to their problems than resorting to violence. The program explores not only physical violence but also emotional, verbal and economic abuse, to name a few.

We hope this program will be successful.

To reports of someone turning on water hoses.thumb.down

We heard reports this week that someone had turned on the outside water hoses at a few houses in town and left them running for several days.

Not only is this a waste of water, but it will be a waste of money for those who have to pay the water bill.

If these reports are true, we hope the person who is doing this is held responsible.

To Martin Luther King Jr. Day celebrations.thumb.up

We appreciate those in the community who organized this year’s annual Martin Luther King Jr. Day celebration at Riverland Community College.

King, who was most known for his role in the Civil Rights Movement, taught many lessons during his lifetime that we can learn from today.

Here are a few of our favorite King quotes:

“Darkness cannot drive out darkness: Only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: Only love can do that.”

“The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.”

“There comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe nor politic nor popular, but he must take it because his conscience tells him it is right.”

We appreciate the example he gave to the rest of the world and hope people can learn from the characteristics he showed.

To the people who participated in a Tribune political panel this week.thumb.up

We appreciate the five people who took time out of their own schedules to sit down with Tribune staff this week and share their thoughts about the presidential inauguration and the hopes and fears for this country in the future. The remarks from the panel printed in the Thursday edition. We hope this shows our readers that it’s OK for people to share their political views more freely now that the election and inauguration are over. It is possible to have a civil discussion about politics.