Sarah Stultz: Son’s strong will and loving heart an inspiration

Published 9:13 am Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Sarah Stultz is the managing editor of the Tribune. Her column appears every Tuesday.

You’ll have to excuse me this week as I write about one of my pride and joys in life who celebrated a birthday on Monday.

Landon, my little, energetic son with a big heart, turned 5.

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It has been a roller coaster since Landon was born, and while he’s not out of the woods yet with his health problems, he has taught me so much about life and love that I wanted to share with you.

I know I have shared plenty over the years about some of Landon’s seizures and some of his delays, but let me take a moment to share about some of his other characteristics that make him who he is today.

• My son loves people. He reminds me more and more each day of his sister, who would say “hi” to random people at the grocery store and who would talk your ear off if you gave her the chance. He loves when people talk back to him, so thanks to those who humor him with a response.

• My son loves masks. Halloween or not, it doesn’t matter. If you’ve seen a little boy around town with a mask on at any given point in the year, there’s a good chance it might be him. We have quite the collection of masks, including everything from a minion, to Batman, Spiderman and some Star Wars ones. Close to Halloween, Landon wanted to wear his entire Batman costume around the clock, so we let him. Occasionally, Batman still resurfaces.

• Landon loves to run. If you’ve ever seen our family out and about, there’s a good chance you saw either my husband or myself running after Landon, who I feel like at the age of 5 is faster than I have ever been. One time I chased him down the street from our house to the hospital, and if it weren’t for an observant neighbor, who pulled over to help me stop him, he would have kept running. At the library for storytime, Landon spends most of his time walking and running in the children’s library, going from shelf to shelf checking out the puppets. Just last night, we were in line at Subway inside Walmart, when Landon made a mad dash toward the arcade. He’s a little boy with a strong determination. While it can be challenging at times to harness that determination, it is admiring, too.

• My son loves music. When I can’t get Landon to sit still or to listen, I turn on some music, and it immediately speaks to his heart. I’ve noticed the same is true at preschool, at the library and in his children’s classes at church. Incorporate music into his learning, and he picks it up quickly.

• Landon loves to love.

When his sister, Sophie, died last summer, Landon has been one of the big things that has helped me endure. He can sense when something is wrong and loves to offer hugs. I may be a little biased, but he gives some of the best hugs around.

Happy birthday, my little man.