Letter: Sanctity of life threatened by dark forces
Published 9:50 am Monday, February 13, 2017
In November 2016, America witnessed a bloodless revolution. The silent majority of mid-America rose up and soundly rejected the ideology of ultra socialistic liberalism. Donald Trump was elected to lead this great nation.
I have carefully watched as President Trump selected his Cabinet, gave his inaugural speech and began his term as president. I’m impressed. He is a man of action, doing exactly what he promised to do. I fully support President Trump’s actions. Its refreshing to see the courage, swift actions and openness of this administration.
However, Democrats and the liberal media are behaving like a bunch of spoiled 2-year-old crybaby brats with dirty diapers. Their candidate was not elected, so they are doing everything possible to prevent Trump’s team from functioning. Opposition was to be expected, but the level of drama and venomous vitriol is not justifiable.
The response to President Trump’s temporary ban on travel to the United States, by residents from seven countries that are in turmoil and acknowledged bastions of radical terrorism, is not rationale. What is bizarre about these protesters, is that fact that while they are basically anti-God and religion, they are protesting a legal action on the grounds of religion. Remarkable!
Protesting is a Constitutional right. However, it’s time for Congress to get off its collective dead butts and consider federal action against the type of protests/riots that are occurring on our college campuses and cities. When a peaceful protest becomes a riot, the police and federal authorities have an obligation to take resolute action.
Key instigators and their financial backers, George Soros and his minions included, need to be charged under federal anti-rioting statutes. A slap on the hand is not enough; these are subversive activities.
I believe the majority of the protests/riots are organized by George’s cohorts. The goal of these groups is to create mayhem leading to riots and anarchy. The majority of the protesters have no idea what they are protesting, but are being led by well-trained, paid professional rabble-rousers.
Leaders and financial supporters of riots against free speech like the one that occurred on the Berkeley, California, campus must be charged with rioting and attempting to restrict free speech.
Schools teaching, encouraging, promoting and condoning such un-American activities must have their federal funding withheld. The same applies to sanctuary cities. The actions of these cities violate federal law. Any city or state that chooses to violate the laws of this land should have their federal funding withheld. Harsh, yes, but either we are a country of laws, or we have anarchy.
The sanctity of our way of life is being threatened by dark forces with agendas that Americans do not fully comprehend. Living in America, with all its freedoms is a gift from God. Those freedoms do not include the right to riot and ignore existing laws. America now has a president with the courage to lead. Does our Congress have the courage to follow? I doubt it!
Don Sorensen
Albert Lea