Letter: The finer points of GOP gun proposal

Published 9:00 am Sunday, March 12, 2017

I read with interest the article in Thursday’s paper regarding new proposed gun laws. Some finer points were not mentioned as to what the Republicans would really like to do if they could get their way.

1) Permitless carry bills:  Meaning that no permit would be needed right away in addition to no background check to carry a loaded gun. Currently state law states that you need to be at least 21 and go through the motions to get a permit.  This change would mean that even a 13-year-old could carry a loaded gun without any regulation.

2) Currently you are restricted as to where you can carry a gun. Their proposal would allow you to carry a gun to the state fair, schools, churches, businesses and other settings where the public gathers. Nothing would stop you from carrying a gun to these types of settings. Can you imagine a student in the classroom, regardless of the grade, who is considered a bully, disrespects teachers and students alike and having a loaded gun ready to be used in the classroom? All about the Second Amendment, I guess. 

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3) Currently state law doesn’t allow family members to remove a gun from a loved one who has developed mental illness, Alzheimer’s, dementia or some other health issue that becomes a threat — not only to the family members, but to the general public. The Democrats are trying to get that changed. The Republicans say it is the right of these people to carry. Ah yes, the Second Amendment. 

4) The Democrats would like to close loopholes for the wrong people to buy guns at gun shows or from a person who has a gun for sale, such as your neighbor. 

The Republicans are hung up on the Second Amendment.  Yes, people have the right to carry, and I don’t deny that.    However, the public has the right to feel safe and be protected from people who have mental health issues, people who have committed crimes of hate and other crimes, in addition to other issues. The Constitution is designed to protect the people, let’s not forget that. 

The NRA continues to fill the coffers of the Republican Party. Unfortunately, money drives people how to vote and not do what is right. Yes, Thursday’s article was interesting. However, you didn’t learn the finer points of what the Republican Party would really like to do and that continues to be a problem with many of the bills currently being introduced at the Capitol. 

Paul Tuveson
