Sarah Stultz: Never underestimate a mother’s influence

Published 9:14 am Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Sarah Stultz is the managing editor of the Tribune. Her column appears every Tuesday.

“How was your day?” I asked my mom Monday evening as my son and I talked with her on the phone to wish her a happy birthday.

My mother lives in the state of Virginia where I grew up, but we talk on the phone typically once or twice a week. Monday was her special day, so I had to make sure to call her before it got too late.

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In our first attempt to call, my mom was already on the phone, talking with my older sister who happened to call only moments before.

Landon and I attempted to sing part of the “Happy Birthday” song in our voice message, before I realized I was the only one singing and we cut it off mid-song and asked her to call us back.

A little while later my mom returned the call, and we talked for a few minutes.

Those of you who know my mom know that she is a kind-hearted woman who doesn’t have a mean bone in her body. Growing up, I learned a lot from her example. I can remember going with her and my two sisters to visit a few of the elderly women from our church. 

I remember her dedication to her family and how much she cared for me and my sisters.

The love she showed — and continues to show — me and others she comes in contact with has made me want to become a better person and influenced me to care for others as I always saw her doing.

As a mother now myself, I sometimes encounter challenges with something related to our son. When thinking of how to resolve those challenges, I often find myself thinking, “How would Mom have handled this?”

Sometimes, I even give her a call if I need help with something. It’s nice to know she’s always there to help me out now, just like she was when I was a child, and I always appreciate her advice.

Though I wish we lived closer, it’s a comfort to know she’s only a phone call away.

Happy birthday, Mom. I wish we could have been there to celebrate with you.

I leave you with a quote from President Abraham Lincoln: “All that I am, or hope to be, I owe to my angel mother.”