Court Dispositions, April 7 – April 13
Published 5:39 pm Monday, June 19, 2017
Freeborn County
District Court
April 7
Gregory Ray Wandrey, 60, 119 Celeste Ave. SE, Sargeant. Count 1: Gross misdemeanor B card violation. Dismissed. Count 2: Fourth-degree operating a motor vehicle under the influence of alcohol. Dismissed. Count 3: DWI – operating a motor vehicle with alcohol concentration of .08 or more. Sentenced to 60 days. Stay 60 days for two years. Supervised probation for two years. Fees $580.
Esmeralda Castanon, 25, 1609 Bridge Ave. Apt. 204. Count 1: Driving after suspension. Fees $280. Count 2: Expired registration. Fees $30.
Carmen Felicia Sauceda, 28, 283 Ave. E., Thompson, Iowa. Count 1: No Minnesota driver’s license. Fees $180.
April 10
Jacqueline Kaye Clack, 47, 1027 Newton Ave. S. Count 1: Domestic assault. Sentenced to 90 days. Credit for time served 43 days. Supervised probation for five years. Fees $130. Charge to be dismissed upon completion of sentence.
Arlet Sanz Sutil, 20, 311 Washington St. N, Lake Mills. Count 1: Uninsured vehicle – driver violation. Fees $280.
Montique Rinaldo Bickham, 21, 715 Johnson St. Count 1: Driving after suspension. Fees $280. Count 2: Duty to drive with due care. Fees $40.
April 11
Andrea Sue Heath, 37, 614 Cherry Ave. Count 1: Dogs running at large. Fees $180.
Jay Richard Nelson, 155 Third St. W, Frost. Count 1: Open container. Fees $180.
Adam Aaron Ulmen, 27, NE. 6551 Ninth Court, Des Moines, Iowa. Count 1: Driving after revocation. Fees $280. Count 2: Speeding 82/70. Fees $50. Count 3: Driver must carry proof of insurance when operating a vehicle. Dismissed.
April 12
Ryan Alan Jensen, 35, 926 Redwood, Fairmont. Count 1: Fifth-degree possession of a controlled substance. Sentenced to 24 months. Count 2: Fleeing a peace officer by a means other than a motor vehicle. Sentenced to 27 days. Credit for time served 27 days. Fees $130. Count 3: Driving after cancellation inimical to public safety. Dismissed.
Natalie Ann Wilson, 33, 807 14th Ave. SE, Austin. Count 1: Driving after revocation. Fees $280.
April 13
Melissa Lynn Hernandez, 42, 702 St. Thomas Ave. Count 1: Offering a forged check. Dismissed. Count 2: Issuance of a dishonored check. Supervised probation for five years. Sentenced to 80 hours of community service. Fees including restitution $1,090.95. Charge to be dismissed upon completion of sentence.
Melissa Lynn Hernandez, 42, 702 St. Thomas Ave. Count 1: Issuance of a dishonored check. Sentenced to 365 days. Stay 365 days for two years. Supervised probation for two years. Sentenced to 16 hours of community service. Fees including restitution $377.47.
The Tribune publishes all convictions where the financial obligation to the court is $180 or greater or resulted in jail time, probation or community service.