DIY: Liven up the garden
Published 9:00 am Tuesday, June 27, 2017
- The dragonfly garden art hangs in the gardens of Carol Hegel Lang.

Angie DenHerder
Working as a freelance illustrator for several large companies, Angie DenHerder of Hollandale has creative juices in her blood. Aside from her job, DenHerder enjoys refurbishing furniture and creating signs and chalkboards.
She took us step-by-step through how to make this decorative garden dragonfly.
What you will need:
Chicken wire, (12-by-14-inches) 1 pine porch spindle
1 wooden finial 1 wooden ball
Spool of wire Small wooden dowel
Hanger Paint
Paint brush Staples
Staple gun Wood glue
Wire cutters Screw driver
Pliers Saw
- Cut off both ends of porch spindle. Drill hole in top of spindle and in wooden ball. Connect spindle and wooden ball using small wooden dowel.
- Glue finial onto bottom of spindle using wood glue. Let sit to dry.
- Draw a template for two sizes of dragonfly wings. Cut chicken wire for two wings of each size. Cut chicken wire about a half inch larger than the template on all sides. Bend wire from spool into shape of wings. Again, make two of each size.
- Attach chicken wire to other wire using pliers and wire cutters as needed. Complete all four wings.
- Staple wings onto back of spindle. Screw on hanger.
- Cut wire from spool about 9 inches long for each antenna. Bend wire in shape of an antenna.
- Drill holes to insert antennae into top of wooden ball. Glue antennae into wooden ball.
- Paint body of dragonfly and wings as desired. Spray with clear coat to seal paint.