Court Dispositions: May 25, 2017
Published 10:59 pm Friday, July 14, 2017
Freeborn County
District Court
May 25
Kristopher Michael Moen, 28, 1025 Plainview Lane. Count 1: DWI – refuse to submit to chemical test. Dismissed. Count 2: DWI – operate motor vehicle under the influence of alcohol. Sentenced to 180 days. Stay 178 days for two years. Credit for time served two days. Supervised probation for two years. Fees $655. Count 3: Driver must carry proof of insurance when operating a vehicle. Dismissed. Count 4: Open container. Dismissed. Count 5: Speeding 45/30. Dismissed. Count 6: Drugs – Possess/sale a small amount of marijuana – no remuneration. Dismissed. Count 7: Drugs – Possession of drug paraphernalia – use or possession prohibited. Sentenced to 180 days. Stay 178 days for two years. Credit for time served two days. Supervised probation for two years. Fees $655.
The Tribune publishes all convictions where the financial obligation to the court is $180 or greater or resulted in jail time, probation or community service.