Letter: Look into USDA grant for hospital
Published 9:42 pm Wednesday, July 19, 2017
We get it. There is no possibility for Mayo to change its cemented decision to move all Albert Lea hospital inpatient services, non-same day surgeries and eventually what else to Austin. So instead of having endless committees, endless nonsolution oriented meetings, let us do the possible. I am unaware, as I am sure most Albert Lea citizens are, of any coupling of hospital entities such as Allina, Mercy Medical or UHD to assist in search for assistance in keeping our hospital here. If there is that, it is beyond wonderful. If not, a solution is at hand for the Albert Lea hospital to apply for a USDA grant to assist in either combining an entity as listed above or go at it alone and build our own hospital. The grant is specific. A rural community must be below a 20,000 population. It is noted that those communities with fewer than 5,000 persons have the best potential. However, because of our very specific situation — in that no other city or at least very few with a population of at least 18,000 in the U.S. do not have a hospital — makes us a priority for assist. As a registered nurse for 33 years, I have no experience with grants. I am hoping that there is a person or group of persons with both grant writing and financial experience. It is no longer advantageous for Albert Lea citizens to have Chad Adams or Dr. Ciota to be part of this process. Both have conflicts of interest. There is nothing personal here, it is strictly financial.
Vicki Pestorious
Albert Lea