Letter: Mayo not thinking about seniors

Published 9:30 pm Friday, July 7, 2017

As a representative of a group of senior citizens including Mary West, Merna Christenson, Margaret Delger, Rosie Simon, Bonnie Underbakke, Maxine Bye, LaVonne Olson, Joann Carlson, Maria Enriquez, Lupe Ortiz, Rose Tobin, Elsie Hacker and Marjorie Beiser, I would like to say we believe Mayo just signed a death knell for the fair city of Albert Lea by putting our surgeries, baby deliveries, etc. to Austin. A town this size needs a hospital and clinic. They are not thinking of the people — only money. What do we do when you need emergency surgery, etc.? I know the emergency room will be here, but for how long? Also no operation room or surgeons?

They also are not thinking of the senior citizens (lots of them in Albert Lea), as many, many of them don’t drive or drive out of town anymore. They can’t afford to hire someone to take them and also can’t rely on family and friends all the time. It is too darn far.

We sure need some doctors to get together and start a new hospital and stay away from Mayo.

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It was a big mistake for Albert Lea to join Mayo (in our opinion). We seem to lose good doctors because of Mayo.

We’re sure people will move away, and lots of people will lose their jobs. We know that all services will slowly be moved to Austin. We won’t have anything here for the people.

Sounds like we all need to move to Mason City for good medical services.

Like we said, it’s a death knell for Albert Lea. We already never get anyone to bring in a business or a factory, and now they sure won’t.

We cannot lose our hospital.

Rena Soper

Albert Lea