Guest Column: Adult Learning Center prepares for new year

Published 10:01 pm Friday, August 18, 2017

Live United Penny Jahnke

Like many of you, I cannot believe it is August. Where did the summer go? Although there is a certain sadness as summer ends, there is also excitement as a new school year begins.

The Adult Learning Center had a very successful 2016-17 school year:

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• 315 students served, ranging in age from 17-76

Penny Jahnke

• 24, 597 student contact hours

• 17 countries represented

• 16 languages spoken

• 165 English language learners (ELL)

• 30 GED students

• 19 citizenship students— three attained U.S. citizenship

• 26 Riverland math students

• 110 para educator training students

• 15 students received their GED

• 122 GED tests given

• 32 students received digital literacy certificates

As we prepare for the 2017-18 school year, we look forward to our continued work with our dedicated students, school and community partners. I feel very fortunate to live and work in a community where so many people work hard to ensure every community member succeeds. These partnerships are vital to the growth of the Adult Learning Center and our community.

The Adult Learning Center will have class registration for new and returning students at 9 a.m. and 1 p.m. Tuesday. Classes begin Aug. 28. We are located at Brookside Education Center. If you have any questions, please contact me at or 379-4866.

We look forward to another great year at the Adult Learning Center!

Penny Jahnke is the Adult Learning Center coordinator.