Letter: Group is putting politics aside
Published 8:52 pm Thursday, August 10, 2017
This is in answer to Mr. Thorson’s letter about the Mayo Clinic. First and foremost, if you had attended our first meeting at the American Legion, you would have heard Pastor Joel Erickson say, “Park your politics at the door; park your religion or nonreligion at the door.” I am the secretary of this wonderful, committed group, who range from as far left to as far right politically, and that has no bearing on our cause at all. You have every right to air your views, but if you are talking about this awesome, dedicated group that is working so hard to save our hospital, I want you to be very aware of what our core values are. They are respectful, trustworthy, inclusive, informative and committed. Please, everyone, keep these in mind as our cause is too important to muddy it up with politics.
Andrea Jensen
Albert Lea