Letter: It’s time to bring another health service to town

Published 9:27 pm Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Everyone has heard how and when the Mayo brothers started the Mayo Clinic. It was started as a nonprofit service to the community. It is obvious that these two brothers had Democratic values. It has been successful for many years, and a lot of people will swear by the Mayo service. It has received many contributions from many satisfied customers and has contributed much to the southeastern part of Minnesota.

Over the years I have heard several people say that if something happened to them just bypass Albert Lea and take me straight to Rochester. Then Mayo came here, which made a lot of people happy. Some time back I received a phone call from a state representative who had read a letter to the editor that I wrote. That state representative gave me a lot of kind words about my comments. I was informed at that time that insurance companies were having a hard time negotiating with the Mayo system and that is why insurance in the southeastern part of Minnesota was higher than other parts of the state.

Vicki Pestorious had a wonderful letter to the editor published last Thursday. She talks about how Mayo has a monopoly on the southern part of Minnesota. I believe she hit the nail on the head. I also think it is commendable that some of the far-right Republicans write letters to the editor against what Mayo is attempting to do to Albert Lea, after all the Republicans keep preaching about capitalism and how great it is.

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Now that Mayo has started this venture, it is obvious to me that the Mayo brothers intentions are over and Mayo is run by Republicans. People’s needs no longer are on the minds of the Mayo CEOs anymore. It is time for our local leaders who we elected and are on our payroll to get on the stick and try and get another health service to come here and build a health system on the old Farmstead site. The present hospital is sitting on some prime property that Albert Lea could be receiving some high taxes on. There could be several condos with several floors of apartments on that spot.   

Wayne Thorson

Albert Lea