Letter: Mayo has left too many questions

Published 8:57 pm Monday, August 14, 2017

Who was the first baby born in Albert Lea’s hospital?

What year?

Who was the last baby to be born in Albert Lea?

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How many babies born in Albert Lea’s hosptial?

How many babies born in Austin?

How much is an ambulance ride?

How much is a helicopter to ride to Austin?

The people who donated money for the hospital was for a forever full-service hospital.

Where do you find this?

Who donated how much money to the hospital?

All who donated how much money to the hospital?

“The needs of the patient come first” they, Mayo, promised.

What year?

Where do you find these promises from Mayo?

Albert Lea’s hospital is the only hospital in Freeborn, Worth and Winnebago counties, true?

How many doctors in the year 1995?

How many full-service doctors in year 2017?

What was the cost of having a baby in year 1960?

What is the cost of having a baby in Albert Lea 2017?

What will a mother think of riding in an ambulance 23 miles to Austin?

Do you believe the mayor and council members are the only ones who can make the change to save the hospital?

Do you believe they need to work for the city of Albert Lea?

The city should take back the hospital and find new ownership? True.

It’s our tax money that built this facility and made it a full-service hospital.

If we lose the hospital, our large manufacturing companies may leave our town.

Mavis Jacobs

Albert Lea