Letter: Monopoly raised insurance rates

Published 10:17 pm Wednesday, August 2, 2017

It is imperative that all citizens of Albert Lea/Freeborn County know and understand the serious situation we are in. Mayo health is a conglomerate. They have taken over most of southern Minnesota. The Mayo monopoly has affected each and every one of us. Not only do they want to take away our full service hospital; this monopoly has raised our insurance rates. Yes, each and every citizen and their livelihood is affected.

Minnesota is divided into regions in terms of insurance. We are Region 1 in the state. We pay the highest insurance premiums of anyone in Minnesota. Our premiums are 20 to 50 percent higher than anywhere else in the state. Why? Because of Mayo health’s total and complete control. They monopolize and this is called an anti-trust issue.

Remember, our city has not grown for many years; it has declined. Why? I might guess because why would a company or business want to come to Albert Lea and be mandated by the employer mandate to pay these exorbitant and unfair amounts of money. I find that the only way we may be able to combat this unfair practice is to take our hospital back to be one of the first to do so. We are a population of 18,000 in Albert Lea proper, and this will make a huge difference to us and future generations. We owe it to our children and our grandchildren.

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Please write the Minnesota attorney general and have the office look into this monopoly. Then write the U.S. attorney general (anti-trust) division. We have an opportunity of a lifetime to make a difference.

Vicki Pestorious

Albert Lea