Letter: The birthplace of the 23-mile ice cream cone
Published 10:42 pm Tuesday, August 29, 2017
I have heard lately so much about this 23-mile ice cream cone. So, I went to the local ice cream parlors and told them I wanted a 23-mile ice cream cone. They had no idea of what I was talking about. I asked them if they even read the local paper. The answer was they didn’t live here in town or they don’t read the paper or even watch the local news on TV.
Well, for those of you who haven’t heard of the 23-mile ice cream cone, let me be the first to inform you. The birth of the 23-mile ice cream cone was right here in Albert Lea. I suggest that it is a combination of rocky road ice cream and chunky peanut butter. Doesn’t that sound good? Albert Lea will always be known for the invention of the 23-mile ice cream cone. Now doesn’t that make you proud?
The ugly facts that were responsible for this birth will hopefully go away in the near future. I think the local ice cream parlors should put this flavor on their menu and donate $1 to saving our hospital on every 23-mile ice cream cone they sell. What do you think? Will you go to the local ice cream parlor and order a 23-mile ice cream cone? I already have. Let’s put Albert Lea on the map that we stand for something. Albert Lea will be known for the birthplace of the 23-mile ice cream cone.
Remember, you gotta stand for something or you will fall for anything.
Wayne Thorson
Albert Lea