Letters: Why is local journalism important to you?
Published 5:00 pm Sunday, August 13, 2017
Tribune is a valuable resource
For me there are many outlets to find world, national and even state news. However, to stay abreast on local news and happenings, I turn directly to the Albert Lea Tribune.
The other nice thing is I can read it on my own time and not need to be tied to a certain schedule to get the news. I look at the Tribune as a valuable community resource and a big part of a quality of life instrument in our community.
Tom Sorenson
Albert Lea
Newspaper will keep us informed
Growing up in Freeborn County, my family always looked forward to reading the local news, events, and happenings printed in our local newspaper. Thanks, Albert Lea Tribune, for printing your daily paper, along with social media and online publication.
Albert Lea is experiencing trying times with the proposed Mayo System changes. With sincere hope that no change will be made, I trust the Albert Lea Tribune will keep us informed.
Troy Thompson
rural Clarks Grove
There’s no substitute for local paper
I have always been a strong supporter of newspapers in general — especially our local paper. There is no substitute for both the coverage of local events and providing local context to important state and national events. This has become more important as other news sources have diminished or eliminated local coverage and increasingly rely on regional or national sources for content.
In recent years, we have seen the quality of reporting from other sources diminish in quality. Newspapers remain committed to strong journalistic principals. As consumers, we need to support our local papers in order to keep them as a strong local voice.
Dan Dorman
Albert Lea
Newspaper helps people keep connected
I think our Albert Lea Tribune does a wonderful job of covering both world and local news with the main emphasis on local news. I look forward to receiving the paper daily just to keep up with everything that is happening in our town. It’s the best way of connecting with the whole community and being well informed.
I didn’t think I would, but I really like getting the paper with my mail and especially enjoy getting a Saturday paper, which I just read on Sunday morning! Plus I am hooked on the daily crossword and cryptoquip puzzles!
Great job everyone!
Judy Verdoorn
Albert Lea
Newspapers enlighten, engage, educate
I fell in love with the newspaper when, as a small boy, I’d carry the Sunday paper into the dairy barn. I’d hand the paper to my father who would read the funny pages (comics) to me. I was enthralled, enlightened, engaged, educated and my existence was enhanced.
Not long after that, I became enamored with the box scores of baseball games. They were stories well told in names and numbers.
If it weren’t for newspapers, I’d be in danger of starving. Few things go better with a meal than reading a newspaper.
Newspapers have changed. I’ve changed, but I still peruse every issue of the local newspaper. It continues to enthrall, enlighten, engage, educate and enhance my existence, and it keeps me from starving.
Al Batt
Local papers are a voice for everyone
A good local newspaper is important to our community. It is a trusted go-to source for information. The paper is read to learn what has happened, what’s coming up and where we are heading.
A local newspaper reflects a community’s attitudes, interests and values and is the place we collectively learn, cheer and cry. It is a core part of our community where integrity of the highest level is assumed and expected. It is a voice for everyone.
People hold each other accountable to make Albert Lea the best it can be. The local paper is a footprint of who we are because it tells many stories and shows the history of who we have been for future generations.
Dennis Dieser
Albert Lea
Tribune brings hometown heart and flavor
I appreciate the hometown heart and flavor the Albert Lea Tribune brings to our local communities. Our hometown newspaper not only keeps us up-to-date on local news, but it also keeps us informed about important people, milestones like special wedding anniversaries, birthday milestones (more and more people are making it to 100 years old), and more.
As our state representative, I value our local paper very much because it helps me keep in touch with my constituents’ lives and thoughts, and it also helps me communicate to them. We live in a wonderful area, and our local newspaper is part of what makes us special.
Peggy Bennett
District 27A
Without paper, local records would be lost
The Freeborn County Historical Museum, Library and Village knows the importance of valuing newsprint and specifically newspapers.
We rely on newspapers to help us carry out our mission, which is to “preserve the past for future generations.” Without newspapers, the written record would be lost.
Kim Nelson
executive director
Freeborn County Historical Museum, Library and Village