Letter: Mayo blocks resident’s message

Published 7:55 pm Monday, September 25, 2017

Dr. Noseworthy, president and CEO of Mayo Corp.,

Enclosed please find my message that was blocked. With the motto “Patients needs first” — is this the way you treat Save Our Hospital, as Albert Lea is working fervently for the good of our citizens here and in the surrounding areas?

Wanted: A full service acute care hospital fully staffed in Albert Lea

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So far, I think:

• Transition has not ceased, though thousands of calls have been set — a deaf ear is not an excuse.

• Mayo puts profits over patient care.

• Mayo fabricates a crisis — none exists.

• Mayo CEO is ignoring patients in Albert Lea.

• William and Charles Mayo are surely disturbed in their resting places.

• Mayo has no concern for the local patients who are sick, elderly or mothers-to-be.

• Albert Lea and other communities have had no say in the type of of health care Mayo promised (remember, “Nothing will change”?)

• Mayo has refused to acknowledge the efforts of Gov. Dayton, Lt. Gov. Smith,  Star Tribune, as well as federal Rep. Tim Walz

Are you sleeping well at night knowing your decisions to ignore the needs of your patients are not worthy of your Hippocratic oaths.

Give us back our hospital!

Sleep well while patients die!

Carol Bybee

Albert Lea