Letter: Realize what is being done with A.L. hospital

Published 10:00 pm Thursday, September 28, 2017

My name is Janice Tukua, and my husband is Ellwood Tukua. We are 77 and 79 and very concerned about what is happening to our health care system here in Albert Lea and Minnesota.

We moved from the farm into Albert Lea two years ago because of our age. Our three children do not live near us, and I wanted to be closer to health care, as it was causing some concerns. What is happening at Naeve Hospital is extremely frustrating for the city of Albert Lea for a multitude of reasons.

Why should Austin have expanded services when they are so close to Rochester?

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Albert Lea serves many people, about 60,000, and should not have our most important services taken away from us for many reasons. We are further from Rochester and serve three counties. We were not consulted in any way, but were informed when Mayo’s plans were in place and then we were told what their plans were.

Why can’t DMC be held up until they give us back our hospital? What is their reason to hold on?

Mayo claims there is a shortage of physicians and nurses. I think doctors and nurses really don’t want to work for Mayo because of working conditions under their leadership. They are given a relatively short time frame to treat their patients, regardless of what their health problems are. You can’t treat everyone in the same amount of time!

What are hospitals to do here with elderly, seriously ill patients or pregnant moms ready to deliver and roads are closed due to bad weather? Ambulance rides 25 miles to Austin: $5,000. Really?

Why not leave baby deliveries, surgeries and ICU in Albert Lea? Smaller towns than us have full-service hospitals, and if not Mayo owned, have no trouble finding doctors and nurses.

The distance between Albert Lea and Austin will never change. Likewise, Minnesota winters and roads can never be counted on in an emergency situation during the winter, and Mayo should be aware of that!

Mayo leadership has created massive concerns here in Albert Lea. When will you wake up and realize what you are doing to our community? Is money that important over the health and concern for the patient. Everyone is worried about all of the listed problems here and more.

Let your conscience be your guide. I think Mayo’s name is seriously flawed!

Matthew 16:26, “What good will it be for a man if he gains the whole world, yet forfeits his soul.”

Janice Tukua

Albert Lea