Letter: Thanks for dedication to Wintergreen Natural Foods

Published 10:05 pm Wednesday, September 13, 2017

The board of directors of Wintergreen Natural Foods would like to publicly extend our congratulations to Maren Ring and Connie Bolton on their retirements. Maren and Connie also have our deepest gratitude for their many years of dedicated service to the co-op. After more than 40 years, Wintergreen is the oldest grocery store in the area, and its longevity is due mainly to the hard work of these wonderful ladies. Wintergreen is certainly going through many changes these days, but we acknowledge that the store would not be here at all without the many years of the care and time that they have provided. The board and store shoppers will surely miss them. We wish them both very happy retirements!

Ariel Barkeim


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Wintergreen Board of Directors

Albert Lea