
Published 9:00 am Saturday, September 2, 2017

Duplicate Bridge Club

Eight tables played during Duplicate Bridge Club on Aug. 22.

Winners were Barb Engebretson and Orrin Roisen, first place; Vandy Newman and Bud Higgins, second place; Larry Crowe and Bill Momsen, third place; Theresa Baldus and Harriet Oldenberg, fourth place; John Liesen and Rick Stroup, fifth place; and Joyce Crowe and Millie Seiver, sixth place.

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Six tables played Duplicate Bridge on Aug. 23.

Winners were Edna Knobbe and Cleo Osmundson, first place; Larry Crowe and Bud Higgins and Vandy Newman and Ron Peters, tied for second place; Romelle Enderson and Bonnie Fritz, fourth place; and Dave Ring and Orrin Roisen, fifth place.

Players come from Adams, Rose Creek, Austin, Albert Lea, Mason City and Northwood.  The games are played at 12:30 p.m. each Tuesday and noon  on Wednesdays at the Austin Senior Center. All bridge players are welcome. Call 507-437-2750 if in need of a partner.

United Methodist Women

The United Methodist Women of Albert Lea met July 5 in the fireside room. Members of Hope Circle served coffee. Merle Stensrud played the piano selection “Battle Hymn of the Republic” remembering the Fourth of July holiday.

The program was led by JoAnn Seuser of Martha Circle. Kendra Manges led the singing of several patriotic songs and also read Abraham Lincoln’s famous “Gettysburg Address”. Adean Turner gave some history of the Pledge of Allegiance and other readings, followed by the group reciting the pledge.

JoAnn Seuser read the secretary’s minutes from the June meeting, took Circle roll call, and meeting date and times were given.

Spiritual growth person Turner read from First Peter and Second Corinthians about “living as free men.” She also shared a story about George Washington and Valley Forge.

The treasurer’s report was given by Ruth Vermedahl. 

Reading resource person Judy Hargrave gave a book report on “Ship of Brides” by JoJo Moyes. It tells of 600 new brides from Australia that married British soldiers at the end of World War II and traveled to England on an aircraft to meet their husbands there.

Sharon Nelson, social action person, shared about the Day Apart Retreat in Kiester. Also attending were Vermedahl, Lea Nolting and Thelda Haack.

President Jerry Horswell reminded the United Methodist Women assembly will take place in May 2018 in Columbus, Ohio. Haack was set to attend Mission U from July 14 to July 16 in St. Cloud.

There will be no UMW meeting in August. The next meeting will be Sept. 6 with Just Three as hosts and Hope Circle doing the program. 

In closing, Horswell led the group in reciting the Lord’s Prayer.