Principal’s Corner: Chromebooks in school

Published 11:36 pm Friday, September 15, 2017

Principal’s Corner by Mark Grossklaus

The 2017-2018 school year has started out awesome again this year at Albert Lea High School! We have grown to 1,300 students in grades eight through 12. Each of our students had the opportunity at schedule pickup day to also pickup a Chromebook for their use. We distributed just over 1,000 Chromebooks in six hours. Students who were not able to pick up their schedule or Chromebook received them on the first day of school. 

Mark Grossklaus

What is a Chromebook? A personal computer that uses Google applications from the internet. Here are a couple of websites that go into more detail: and

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Students have use of their Chromebooks 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Chromebooks can be used anywhere. You will see our students using them in the classrooms, media centers, commons (lunch space), the auditorium and throughout our campus. Students can use their Chromebooks with or without wifi.

Over the past two years, District 241 has been making improvements in our wifi system to make sure our students have wifi ability for their Chromebooks. What happens if wifi goes down or the student does not have wifi? Google applications can be worked on without wifi. When the person is able to get to a location with wifi, the application will update.

One of the huge advantages to using a Chromebook is that people can share documents among many people at one time. Others can edit the documents also. This allows our teachers to share with students a Google document that the whole class can collaborate together on. There are many applications in which staff and students can share. Students can turn in assignments instantly. Teachers can provide feedback right on a document or application. Students can log on to their Google account and check calendars for classes and school events. Also, students can look up information online to enhance learning, making learning more interactive and interesting.

Chromebooks are a tool. They are not going to replace good instruction by teachers. Chromebooks will not replace books. Chromebooks should be viewed as a powerful tool that opens up opportunities for our students. 

If you visited ALHS, you will still see students carrying notebooks, pencils and pens, and textbooks, but you will also see them carrying a Chromebook to enhance their educational experience.

We are thankful to the school board, District 241 and the citizens of Albert Lea public schools for allowing our students to obtain these great tools that enhance the educational experience at ALHS for all our students.

Please check out our website for updates about ALHS, including school announcements, teacher webpages, information about ALHS  and a great deal of additional information at or and click on high school.

Always expect the best, and have an awesome Tiger day!

Mark Grossklaus is the principal at Albert Lea High School.