MnDOT community grants are available

Published 8:00 pm Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Minnesota communities, schools and their partners in Greater Minnesota are invited to apply for funding for projects that enhance local transportation goals, according to the Minnesota Department of Transportation.

According to a press release, $7.5 million is available through the Transportation Alternatives solicitation, a competitive grant program for Greater Minnesota communities, schools and regional agencies to fund pedestrian and bicycle facilities, historic preservation, Safe Routes to School and more programs.

To apply, applicants must submit a letter of intent describing the key components of their project. A regional representative will contact applicants to help review the project proposal and the steps necessary for delivering a federally funded project. Local communities and regional agencies will then submit a full grant application.

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Grant solicitation timeline:

Oct. 31: Deadline for applicants to submit letters of intent.

Jan. 12: Deadline for applicants to submit full applications.

April 16: Grant recipients announced.

For grant details, see the Transportation Alternatives website at

The Metropolitan Council conducts a biennial solicitation for the seven-county Twin Cities metro area applications. Its most recent solicitation was in 2016; selected projects were announced in January.